Friday, February 6, 2009

power trips

Today I instigated a 3rd year boy getting scolded. He seems to be at that age when hormones speak louder than the filter in his head, and he tends to make inappropriate comments that I usually ignore. Today, I didn't have patience. It was the last period of the day on a Friday (my busiest day of the week), and I was tired. So when he came up to me with a guilty look on his face and made a comment in Japanese that he refused to translate, I grabbed his arm and dragged him into his homeroom, where his homeroom teacher happens to be an English teacher. I prompted him to repeat his comment, and he refused. The teacher tried to pry it out of him, but he wouldn't say a word.
Later the teacher told me that she had finally got him to repeat it.
He was trying to tell me that he wanted to buy me chocolate on Valentine's Day, but he was afraid to tell me in English because he was worried about what I would think of him.
I'm officially a jerk on a power trip.
The end.

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