Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Greetings from Japan.


I am safely in Japan. I live in a little city (perhaps it should be called a town) about 2 hours from Tokyo. Here in Moka, I live in a two bedroom duplex with my roommate Meghan. She is pretty fantastic. We share a common wall with another Assistant English Teacher (AET), and on the other side of our little patch of grass, there is another duplex with 3 more AETs. It's a pretty great set up.

I have a pink/red bike named "Chessboard," and she seems like a pretty trusty steed. I even got a new bell on her. I ride my bike everywhere. It makes things interesting, especially because I am learning to drive on the opposite side of the road while sharing the streets with cars, and I don't remember the last time I road a bike consistently... Luckily, I have not yet fallen off ole Chessboard. I'll let you know when that happens.

Today we got internet installed in our home, so now I will be much more accessible. I might even get a cell phone here, (gasp) but I don't really want to. I like being "out" when I'm out.

I start work at Moka Nishi junior high on Thursday. In the meantime we have been doing all sorts of fun stuff, including alien registration, tax forms, and health checks (you can imagine how fun those are when conducted in a foreign language...). 

Today all of the AETs visited a local middle school to observe English classes and get a taste of what we will be doing. I can't wait to jump in! I think it will be so much fun! And much to my delight, there is a considerable Spanish speaking population here in my little rice farm town! I got to greet two students in Spanish, and it brought great joy. :-) Who knew it would all come together so nicely?

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