Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An introduction to my adventures

Hello dear friends!

Welcome to my blog. I think this is a good tool for keeping in touch while I am in Japan for a year. I hope you will be patient with me as I try to keep an online journal without sounding like a 13 year old girl.  I will try my best to use this as a venue to share my life with you. 

My Asian adventures begin tomorrow evening. I will fly to Taiwan for a 10 day vacation, with a handful of local teenagers as my tour guides. They are international students at the school where I taught this year, and they are thrilled to have me as their guest in Taipei. I will not bring my computer to Taiwan, so I am not likely to post any anecdotes in my blog in the next 10 days. However, I will be happy to tell you stories when I return, so just ask!

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!
