Sunday, June 7, 2009


Currently I'm homesick. Not the kind of homesick that is paralyzing or debilitating; not the kind of homesick that makes you resent your existence away from "home." This is the kind that fills you with love, hope and joy when you think about what you're going home to. This is the kind that makes you smile involuntarily when you think about the faces you will see and the bodies you'll embrace in long awaited hugs in 53 days. This is the good kind of homesickness. It's the kind that reminds you of how much you are loved and how much you love others. It reminds you of the joy you feel in the presence of friends and family who support you. It reminds you of the redeeming qualities of home you quickly forget when you hunger for an adventure. It reminds you that you can love and be loved, feel peace, and enjoy life no matter where you are living.
This is the kind of homesickness I'm happy I'm able to feel.

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