Sunday, September 14, 2008


     It is currently Sunday evening, and we have no school tomorrow because Monday is "Respect for the Elders Day," a Japanese national holiday. I went with 3 of the other AETs on an afternoon drive into the countryside to the north of us. We had some good mochi and visited two parks. It was quite nice, and Japan has some sweet playground equipment. (see photo)
     Now I'm home again, and I'm feeling like it's a good night to try my skills in the kitchen and actually prepare a Japanese dish. I want miso soup. I bought the miso paste. I've read several recipes. I know what ingredients I can use. I could pick them up in a quick bike trip to the store... But I'm hesitant. I don't have any culinary skills, and although miso soup seems quite simple, I don't trust myself to prepare it well. Oh lack of confidence in the kitchen... When will they invent some sort of pill for this?
     In other news, I have eaten sushi (twice), ramen (from a real ramen shop - none of this Top Ramen garbage), yaki soba (fried noodles), and gyoza (pot-sticker-esque pork and cabbage dumplings). I have thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Any fears I had about not liking Japanese food have gone out the window. I definitely enjoy eating here! If I wasn't riding my bike everyday, I might actually gain weight in Japan. Hopefully I can get over my kitchen insecurities and learn to cook some of these things so I can bring the goodness home!
Now it's time for me to cook some dinner.

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